Something Beautiful - Isaiah 61:1-4, 10

How is everyone feeling in their beautiful Christmas sweaters this evening? I’d like everyone wearing one of those gorgeous holiday sweaters to come right on up for a picture. I’ll post and share the picture this evening, but do you see what God has done…He’s taken those ugly Christmas sweaters, the tackiest apparel of the season, and turned them into something beautiful as we gathered in them together as a Church family. After Sunday, are y’all really surprised that I am using a Peanuts’’ clip tonight? In it we see more transformation…the transformation of something ugly and the transformation into something beautiful—whether you are talking about the tiny little tree, that never was truly ugly, into a showcase Christmas tree or simply the attitudes of the kids from ugly in their cruelty to being gracious in their efforts to cheer up Charlie Brown. Are those God transformations? That’s your call, but consider the way the script was written—the ugliness is o...