
Showing posts from April, 2013

Embracing Creation: In The Beginning - Genesis 1:1-5

Age old questions…Which came first, the chicken or the egg?  Which is it, creation or accident?  For those of us who hold God’s Word to be sacred and relevant to our lives, we have the answers, found in Genesis 1.  The chicken came first…for on the fifth day “…God said, “…let birds fly above the earth across the dome of the sky.”  Animals were brought forth during the time of creation, then they, imitating the creative process of God, gave birth to more animals.  It makes sense that living creatures would come first, for if eggs and embryos came first who would warm the eggs or carry the embryos until they hatched or broke forth from the uteri.  Yet before and beyond the humorous chicken versus the egg debate is the ongoing debate of creation versus evolution, creation versus the big bang, creation versus accidental masterpieces….  I think it is simple to rule out the accidental masterpieces, for it is pretty difficult to believe that things as intricately precise as the living cre

Global Vision and Human Trafficking – Davey Pittard - Luke 4:16-21 (Davey's First Sermon)

Hey so this past March I went on this trip called Global Vision. 5 adults and about 38 youth including myself went to Washington DC, New York City, and on Sunday we attended church in Philadelphia. I had an amazing time going on this trip and being with some of the other youth from this conference. It was a wonderful experience, but I went on this trip with a purpose. Today standing before you, I am carrying out that purpose or at least part of it. My purpose was to go on this trip and come back to this church, this community and make a difference with my newly gained knowledge of what I learned about in the seminars in DC and New York. The topic for this year’s trip was Human Trafficking, and that is what we learned about. Now I spent three days learning about this topic and what I got was condensed, because there are seminars on this topic that go on for weeks, so I just wanted it to be understood that this problem is bigger than anything I can present about in the time that I

Christians: The Anti-Zombies - Ephesians 2:1-10

A few years ago, vampires were all the rage.  Everywhere you turned there was a new vampire movie and with their glittering and sparkling, all fear had subside—teenage girls, rather than cowering in fear at the thoughts of vampires were almost ready to stick their necks out for a bite.  Thankfully that fad has faded into the twilight. However, I don’t know.  We may have gone from bad to worse.  We’ve moved from the once-bitten, undead to the brain-hungry, viral infected living dead—moving from vampires to a fascination with zombies.  Whether it is the growing popularity of AMC’s The Walking Dead , the fact that you can type a Google search with “zombie apocalypse” and come up with over 8 million matches, or the fact that a growing number of fundraising races are becoming zombie oriented…such as this coming weekend in the RTP with the Zombie Escape or next weekend in Winston Salem with the Zombie Apocalypse 5K run/walk/shuffle.  Think you don’t know anyone involved in the living dea

Not To Be Pitied! - 1st Corinthians 15:12-26 (Easter Sermon)

  I would like to tell you two stories that involve the feelings of pity. An elderly couple walked into a restaurant and ordered a hamburger and a soft drink. The waiter noticed the elderly gentleman cut the hamburger in half and slide one portion over to his wife. Taking pity, thinking the poor couple couldn't afford much to eat, the waiter offered to bring another burger to the table. “No, no,” said the husband. “We share.” Later, the waiter approached them again, saying he would be happy to give them another hamburger. But the response was the same. “No, it's all right. We share.” When the waiter noticed, however, that the wife was not eating, he could restrain himself no longer. Approaching them, he asked the husband, “Why isn't your wife eating?” “Oh, she's just waiting for the teeth.” A young man started a new job at a local restaurant.  On a busy Friday night, the owner suddenly emerged from the kitchen and handed him some money. "We&

Remember and Respond - Luke 24:1-12 (Easter Sunrise Homily)

  How often we forget!   If we're honest with ourselves we forget all the time!   I'm not talking about forgetting names (like I do), forgetting birthdays (like I do), or forgetting where we've left our keys, our phone, or our glasses (like I always do).   Not everyone forgets those things...some folks never forget a name, birthday, or where they've laid something down.   Some folks never forget a word they've read our heard, possessing amazing photographic memories. What I am talking about is how often our spiritual memories fail when it comes to the truths of God.  Sure we may have, during our childhood, or even as adults, dedicated time to memory verses--committing brief lines of Scripture to our memory for a lifetime, or at least a day if we were trying to earn a star in Sunday School or Vacation Bible School. However truly remembering goes far beyond being able to write a few pieces of Scripture back in front of a classroom of our peers.  True remembering i