
Showing posts from November, 2016

Godly Attitudes: The Widow – Sacrificial Generosity Luke 21:1-4

Over the last month, we have been considering the importance of attitude adjustments and the people who need them…most importantly, as we have acknowledged, the person on our driver’s license, the person we see when we look into a mirror. We have confessed that too often our lives have taken on ungodly attitudes that reflect the attitudes of many in the world.  In Joseph, we heard the call to let God transform our pessimistic worldview into one that is positive… In Ruth, we discovered the need to move from faithless to faithful… With Mary, we learned that we need to leave fear behind and become courageous… While far from being the last attitude adjustment we need, we come to the last attitude adjustment in this short series.  For this we consider a nameless, but well known figure within God’s Word, the widow in the Temple. Jesus and His disciples had entered Jerusalem as many gathered for the week of Passover.  As Jesus came into town, He made His way to the Temple.  There h

Godly Attitudes: Mary - Courage Luke 1:26-38

We’ve been spending a few weeks talking about attitude adjustments.  Specifically, we’ve been considering the attitude adjustments that we need to develop Godly Attitudes—the need to surrender our earthly attitudes and let God, through the power of the Holy Spirt, adjust our attitudes.  In doing this, we’ve been considering various people of the bible, part of that great cloud of witnesses, so to speak, on this All Saint’s Sunday.  We’ve considered Joseph as a call to more from negative-worst case scenario kind of thinking to taking on a positive attitude.  Ruth brought to us the message of taking on an attitude of faithful commitment to God and one another. Today I want us to consider another adjustment.  This adjustment ties very closely to the last two, as in the story of Joseph we considered those who were afraid to act because they just knew that the worst possible outcome would happen.  In Ruth’s story, we talked about how nowadays when the going gets tough, everybody gets g